Afterschool Monthly Payment Option
Payment Plan & Schedule of Payments
JUGUEMOS A CANTAR offers two Payment Plans:
1- FULL YEAR PAYMENT PLAN (as describe on our mail page: 50% at registration and 50% at 1st day of semester/year) This plan applies to ALL OUR OPTIONS (Option 1,2,3 and 4) We offer a 10% discount if you register and pay at the beginning of the school year.
2- MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLAN for OPTIONS 1 & 2 (only for families that enroll the WHOLE SEMESTER in Options 1 & 2)
We offer the possibility of installments if full tuition for the SEMESTER cannot be paid in full at the beginning of the school year. If you choose this option, the following items are necessary to enroll in our afterschool:
Schedule of Payments (AFTERSCHOOL 2018-2019)
(only for families that enroll whole semester in OPTIONS 1 & 2)
Option 1 Afterschool Option 2 Afterschool+ Spanish Class
$25 late fee Applies to payments received after the 5th of each month and are accumulative.
$20 Returned checks fee.
Days are set at registration. We may be able to switch days provided there is space. Parents will be financially responsible for any outstanding tuition. No child will be admitted in class if there is an outstanding tuition. No discounts for absences of any kind. NO MAKE UPS . All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, and cannot be used to cover payments for future or past months of this or other programs.
Check, Credit Card (a 4% convenience fee applies), or cash (Quickpay / Venmo) accepted.
Checks returned from bank subject at $25 fee.
Late Payment Fee: subject to $25 fee.
Late Pick-Up Policy: See JUGUEMOS POLICY.
Payment Address: Juguemos- 357 6th STREET- Brooklyn NY 11215. Check payable to: Juguemos a Cantar
Refunds: No refunds. No prorated months. See JUGUEMOS POLICY.
NO MAKE UP CLASSES ON AFTERSCHOOL under any circumstance.
No Carry over to the next session
1- FULL YEAR PAYMENT PLAN (as describe on our mail page: 50% at registration and 50% at 1st day of semester/year) This plan applies to ALL OUR OPTIONS (Option 1,2,3 and 4) We offer a 10% discount if you register and pay at the beginning of the school year.
2- MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLAN for OPTIONS 1 & 2 (only for families that enroll the WHOLE SEMESTER in Options 1 & 2)
We offer the possibility of installments if full tuition for the SEMESTER cannot be paid in full at the beginning of the school year. If you choose this option, the following items are necessary to enroll in our afterschool:
- At registration: $50 Non-refundable registration fee
- At registration: One Month deposit (i.e. $430 if your monthly payment is $430)- The deposit is applied to the last month of after school enrollment - January 2019 OR June 2019 depending on the semester you enroll.
- All Monthly Payments are due the 1st of the month PRIOR to use (for example, for December 2018 tuition is due November 1st, 2018- payment should be received by the 5th of each month or late $25 fee applies). Children with a pending balance will not be able to attend until balance is honored. We highly recommend set up payments with your bank to avoid late fees.
Schedule of Payments (AFTERSCHOOL 2018-2019)
(only for families that enroll whole semester in OPTIONS 1 & 2)
Option 1 Afterschool Option 2 Afterschool+ Spanish Class
- 5-day per week $430 $545
- 4-day per week $385 $500
- 3-day per week. $340 $455
- 2-day per week $295 $410
- 1-day per week $205 $320
$25 late fee Applies to payments received after the 5th of each month and are accumulative.
$20 Returned checks fee.
Days are set at registration. We may be able to switch days provided there is space. Parents will be financially responsible for any outstanding tuition. No child will be admitted in class if there is an outstanding tuition. No discounts for absences of any kind. NO MAKE UPS . All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, and cannot be used to cover payments for future or past months of this or other programs.
Check, Credit Card (a 4% convenience fee applies), or cash (Quickpay / Venmo) accepted.
Checks returned from bank subject at $25 fee.
Late Payment Fee: subject to $25 fee.
Late Pick-Up Policy: See JUGUEMOS POLICY.
Payment Address: Juguemos- 357 6th STREET- Brooklyn NY 11215. Check payable to: Juguemos a Cantar
Refunds: No refunds. No prorated months. See JUGUEMOS POLICY.
NO MAKE UP CLASSES ON AFTERSCHOOL under any circumstance.
No Carry over to the next session